Simple Car Maintenance

August 8, 2012 Ysleta Branch Library presented a class on Simple Car Maintenance with YS staff member Richard Juarez. This class went go over the basics of how to keep your vehicle in a good running condition with maintenance schedules, keeping fluids clean and topped off, replacing worn out parts (tires, wipers, filters and etc.) and dealing with problems as they arise.



  1. The best thing to do to avoid serious car problems is to simply run car maintenance regularly. The presentation is definitely good for the team and for everyone that’s in the class. I hope there will be more presentations like this, and that I can become a part of it too. Good job, guys! :]

    - Michelina Douglass

  2. This class is what many motorists need. People tend to over look simple matters regarding their car’s engine maintenance. This poses serious problems on the car’s performance and puts their safety at risk as well. They should at least give time to check on how their car’s engine is doing, and see if there are repairs that need to be done.

    Sandy Gonzales

  3. It’s great that they’re teaching car owners the basics on car maintenance and repairs. At least now, these people can recognize symptoms and have a clearer view when to try to fix it themselves or take it to the shop for professional help.

    Rita McCall
    Evans Tire & Services


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