A Year's Worth of Mobiles

When you come into the library, you might notice twelve mobiles spinning gently in the air currents.  These amazing creations were built with found objects by Mrs. Elaine Ogas, Director of the Bayard Public Library in Bayard, New Mexico.  Each mobile is based on a theme from each month. January has Snowball Fight, February has Valentine's Day, March has Up, Up and Away, etc.


 The first mobile Mrs. Ogas made was April Showers.  Using objects she had purchased for another project, she got the idea to make a free floating mobile that gave the feeling of spring.  Dangling down from a frothy cloud, butterflies, bumblebees and flowers hover over two circles of bright green grass.  Over time, patrons who have visited her library and seen her creations donate items to assist her work.  One patron donated fishing line and 100+ swivels, which have become the foundations of her art.

Mrs. Ogas has taken an old fashioned format and made it new and delightful. Her ability to balance objects of different size and weight as well as her design sense are nothing short of amazing! 

Drop in and remember to look up...

Aimee J. Camp
Ysleta Branch Manager


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