Troncoso Reading Challenge

Participate in the challenge -- READ the most books and WIN!

Troncoso Reading Challenge

The prizes will be given to students who read the most books from September 15 to November 15 of each year. During this time period, students should read a minimum of 5 books. The students who read the most books will be the prizewinners. Each student should also pick a favorite book from the books read and write a short essay (100 word or more) on that book. Prizewinners will have their essays laminated and displayed next to their favorite book.
Log - in your entries here: Entry Form
Here are the PRIZES:
There are 2 categories:
9th through 12th grade:
First Place: $125.00 gift card
Second Place: $100.00 gift card
Third Place: $75.00 gift card 
5th through 8th grade: 
First Place: $125.00 gift card
Second Place: $100.00 gift card
Third Place: $75.00 gift card. 
All prizes are gift cards from Barnes and Noble Booksellers.
For more info, please visit the Troncoso Reading Prizes webpage.


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